Apparently, I am hitting the nostalgia hard this month. It must be those looming taxes making me regress harder than if I were to cross paths with a bouncy castle. But I don't care what anyone says- I absolutely
adore 90's
X-men (especially
these two). Gambit was the fourth love of my life, and Rogue was just way too cool to be jealous of. They are my all-time favorite couple* despite that issue of never
really being a couple (and let us not discuss how Rogue hooks up with anyone and everyone she is capable of having relations with). Maybe the tragedy of their situation never sank in as a kid, but comics and cartoons have always taught me to never believe in tragedy.** No one truly dies, Magneto really just means well, and Rogue and Gambit will find a way to make-out.
Anyway, my life wouldn't be complete without painting them (this will probably be one of many, because I find my old work hard to tolerate). I was aiming for a 90's palette that would get the point across without making anyone want to puke.
Quick show of process, because I love when I get to see under other artist's skirts. This isn't the best drawing example, but I never remember to take progress pics...Also, I am an old lady who only recently discovered applications for photo collages (I mean apps), so be prepared for another month of Brady Bunch style art display.
<3 Kaz
**this is a big fat lie- I just have selective memory